Q. Where is the wiki?A.
http://dawnofradiance.wikia.com/Q. What is the wiki for?A. Anything you feel needs more explaining about your character and that would be inconvenient to include in your bio. This might include:
> Storyline entities/NPCs
> Religious beliefs
> An extended history
> Extra pictures
> Transformation details
> Character details in general
> Trivia
> Summaries of significant threads
> Documentation
In terms of stated goal, the wiki hopes to make it easier for newcomers to catch up to plotlines and find out more about other people's characters without having to shift through a bunch of threads for essential details.
Q. How much coding does it take to make a decent article?A. None at all. In fact, it's a lot like working in Microsoft Word. If you want to know how someone did something fancy, you may ask here or hit "edit" on the article to see the code.
Q. How do I edit or add new articles to the wiki?A. Simply register with wikia.
Q. I noticed a detail about my character that's inaccurate in an article. Is it okay to go edit it?A. Please ask the author's permission first. If the author hasn't been on the site for 2 weeks and hasn't answered a PM, then you may change it simply because wikia keeps a history of article changes and it will be a simple task to roll it back or undo the changes.
Q. Should I bother Shin about something wrong with the wiki or vandalism?A. No. This project isn't endorsed by Shin, I didn't mention it to him before I made it, and he doesn't have any admin powers over the wiki. Just hit me up and I'll see if we can fix it, though a rollback to a previous version will usually be sufficient to fix any problems.
Q. There are too many ads. How do I get rid of them?A. This will fix wikia's admittedly intrusive ads: