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 Dropping in Unexpected (B)

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2 posters
Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 09, 2012 9:15 pm

“Oh my god, really?” Jyneil would squeal, standing in front of Battousai who stood normally with his arms folded and looking at her. “It worked on our 92nd try! What luck!” The samurai tilts his head to the side and lifts an eyebrow as he looks to her. It didn’t seem like luck; it was a terribly training technique that they had been attempting over and over, and his lack of mana wasn’t a good look for him at the moment. Still, it seemed to have worked out; something unlocked in their powers and they managed to do this time, what they had managed before the dawn, only correctly. Though he felt the huge drain of attempting to perform his new technique called ‘Freedom’ several times, he did not feel the lingering drain on his stamina that occurred the last time one of the persona’s had an ‘out of body’ experience. Somehow, they had created a body of light energy and given life to it by injecting Jyneil’s persona, this time, into it. It looked, felt, and moved exactly like her with her brain powering it. Uninterested in what she would do now, Battousai simply turns around and begins walking away. Ignoring him, Jyneil explores what she is able to do in her new body. She attempts to channel magic, but finds out that she could not. Though she could move, she couldn’t go very fast to exert too much energy in this body. “Hmm…” she says as she comes to the conclusion, “maybe it takes some getting used to.”

Of course, after gaining her freedom, one of the first things on her mind was to go and visit Yuki. So, since she couldn’t fly, she would move from the house where Battousai and Kautuka stayed, and head to the stables to get her horse. Moments later, she would be on her way towards Theden.

With the day passing for the journey, Jyneil would be arriving in Theden in the evening. In approaching the city, she would move beyond the front gates and the guards and proceed to Yuki’s house where she would then proceed in tying up her horse for the night, arriving unexpectedly.

403 / 403

Last edited by aѕceпxion on Sat May 26, 2012 12:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 09, 2012 11:02 pm

After a day of tending to his duties the half-breed was on his way back to his house now that the evening had set in. As he moves down the street the half-breed shifts his gaze from side to side, unaware the female that he had taken a liking to had arrived in Theden and made her way to his house. Having finished his visit to the market Yuki had his mind set on fixing himself something to eat once he arrived at his house before settling in for the night.

From the outside of his house, no activity could be seen inside giving one the impression that no one was at home at the moment, as there was no one in the half-breeds house right now. Even though the half-breed was not home at the moment his return was inevitable and should Jyneil wish to gain access to his house to wait for him she would find the door unlocked, something Yuki didn't do during the day given his stature, and a house void of its occupant for the time being, or if she chose she could remain outside for Yuki.

EXP: 198
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 09, 2012 11:22 pm

After taking time to tie up her horse, Jyneil would finally inspect Yuki’s house. It didn’t seem like anyone was home, so for a moment, she lingers and looks around in all directions. She didn’t want to be seen as someone sneaking into the village leader’s house and figured there were probably guards watching it or something, but then she remembered that it was Yuki and he was too simple to have the paranoia to have his house watched. Given his simple nature, there probably wasn’t anything in the house of value other than a bed, that would make anyone want to sneak into it in the first place. Trying to look as casual as possible, she moves to the door and turns the knob only to find it unlocked. She gingerly opens the door and peers her head in, calling out, “Yuki-kun…” softly into the empty abode as she enters it and closes the door behind her. She moves into the interior of the house a bit and begins to look around.

188 / 591
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 09, 2012 11:47 pm

Jyniel's call is met with silence as she enters into the empty house in search or the one that takes up residence in the house. The interior of his house was the same as it was last time she came to visit him though at the moment only light from the outside filled the house.

As he moves forwards, Yuki shifts his gaze from side to side for a moment before finally setting his gaze ahead as he begins to near his house. Gazing ahead as he moves closer to his house, Yuki notices a horse tied up in front of his house. At first as he takes notice of the horse his brow furrows as he wonders upon why such a beast would be at his house. Had his sensei sent someone to come and see him, perhaps business that needed to be tended too or perhaps coming to visit rather then for business. Drawing upon his house Yuki turns his gaze from the animal and to his front door. He knew he had not left it locked since he didn't see a reason to do such a thing so the one that had rode the horse here was no doubt inside his house probably waiting for him, though he wasn't sure who was here. Expecting to be met with some form of business once he entered into his house, Yuki takes hold of the door knob and gives it a twist before pushing the door open, his gaze shifting in search of the person in his house.

EXP: 260
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyThu May 10, 2012 12:10 am

During this time she had to herself, Jyneil would move about the interior of the house and think about the last time she had been here. Since she was in an artificial body, she wouldn’t be fatigued, but since it was getting late, her mind would be getting ‘sleepy’ in a sense, but her curiosity and eagerness for Yuki to return would ward that off for the time being.

When Yuki came to the door, Jyneil would hear him outside and move towards the door. By the time he turned the knob and entered, she would fling herself at him, fully expecting him to catch her, as she glomps him with a ‘welcome home’ hug and greets, “welcome back, Yuki-kun! You kept me waiting, so I’m mad at you.” At least, she hoped it was Yuki that she had just leapt into.

151 / 742
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyThu May 10, 2012 3:59 pm

As he sets his gaze upon the one that had come to see him the half-breed is met by a female body jumping onto him as Jyneil glomps him. With Jyneil glomping him, Yuki brings one arm up and slips it around her waist to hold her close to him as he keeps his left arm at his side, holding onto a small cloth bag with some things he had acquired from the market. Jyneils words draw a smile to the half-breeds face as he looks at her, " Is that so? " He inquires as he gazes down at her, " I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be visiting today. " Yuki says as he leans in and try's to place a soft kiss on her cheek, " I guess I will have to do something to make it up to you then? " he inquires. Though he was not expecting to see Jyneil, Yuki was still glad to see her just as the last time she came to visit him. Unless she pulled free from his grasp, Yuki would begin to move while holding her close to him and make his way to the kitchen so he could put the things he had brought down and give her his full attention.

EXP: 204
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 11, 2012 12:13 am

Since Yuki decided to keep on holding to her, Jyneil’s arms would be wrapped about Yuki’s neck as she allows him to carry her. “That’s no excuse,” she would answer back about him not knowing that she was coming, “but I’ll forgive you for now.” She allows the kiss to her cheek in a manner as if granting him permission; much like a princess would allow a commoner to kiss her hand. After he made it in close to the kitchen, she would lower herself from his body and come to stand on her own. She brushes the wrinkles out of her dress and proceeds to stand in a manner more befitting of a lady. After walking a step or two away from Yuki, she would watch as he continued into his house figuring that he had to probably place his things down and get comfortable. She would comment, “I have some free time from my captor… so I suppose I can spend it with you. You should thank me that you are so lucky to enjoy my presence.”

186 / 928
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 11, 2012 2:39 am

Allowed to kiss her on the cheek, Yuki only gives her a soft little peck before pulling back and as she begins to lower herself he loosens his grasp upon her and once she came to stand on her own he lets go of her so she could move away. No longer holding on to Jyneil, Yuki moves into the kitchen and sets the bag he had with him down on the counter before turning his full attention back to Jyneil. Looking to Jyneil, Yuki listens as she begins to speak and as she informs him of her free time, Yuki nods his head faintly, " I see. " The half-breed murmurs lightly once she had finished speaking. Looking in her direction, Yuki shifts his gaze over her form for a brief moment before bringing his gaze back up to her face, a soft smile upon his visage as he looks at her, " Is that so, I should thank you? " Yuki inquires as he begins to move towards her, " And if I where to thank you, how exactly would you like to be thanked? " he asks as he comes to a stop a foot or so away from her.

EXP: 198
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 11, 2012 11:52 pm

“Hmm…” Jyneil holds her finger to her lip as she mock thinks about her answer. Lowering her finger, her hand crosses with her arms at her chest as she would answer as she inclines her chin, “by groveling at my feet and showering me with praises of course.” It seemed an answer befitting a young lady of her demeanor and confidence. With a coy grin, she would lower her gaze back to him and speaks, “or maybe you’re strong enough to take on my captor now and truly free me…” She turns her back to him and takes a few steps away, “that may due… but only if you’re grown stronger than you were the last time we met.” Since she had this new found freedom of having her own body away from the others, she needed a cover story to come up with that would explain why she was able to be around Yuki more now. Since he was a warrior and stuff, and partially because it would be ‘fun’ she was starting to come up with an idea on how he could ‘win’ her freedom. Of course, she needed a monster or something like that, but the way the world was, there seemed to be many of those hanging around various places. She just had to find one and then let Yuki slay it, and in doing that, she would be doing community service as well as doing herself a service at the same time.

254 / 1182
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySat May 12, 2012 12:23 am

With his question, Yuki remains silent as he watches Jyneil, waiting to see how she would like him to thank her, his gaze remaining on her as he watches her posturing and gestures. As she begins to answer him he listens to her answer, one that causes a light smirk to take form on his visage at how she wished for him to thank her. Though normally such a thing would cause the half-breed to grow angry and show such signs, since it was a female he had taken a strong liking to he didn't grow angry at the thought of groveling to her, though that wasn't to say he would do something like that. As she brings up her captor once again and the idea of freeing her Yuki reflects back to when she had informed him of such thing and his desire to indeed free her. With the topic of freeing her from her captor came the topic of his strength and her questioning his strength. Since she had turned her back to him, Yuki steps forwards, moving to close the gap between them and move up behind her before he attempts to take her into his arms and hold her from behind. " And how exactly will you determine that I have become stronger? I doubt you will take my word if I told you I have grown stronger. " Yuki says as he gazes down at Jyneil.

EXP: 246
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 13, 2012 9:55 pm

Her gaze would shift to the side as she felt Yuki come up behind her and take hold of her slender frame. She keeps her gaze down and to the side as he speaks and answers, “I don’t know…” her voice trail with her words. She continues, “I guess it comes down to how much I trust you. I have to take your word that you’re strong enough to defeat my captor. If you go against him unready and fall, then I wouldn’t be able to bear the fact that I put you in harm’s way.” Though she was making it up as she went along, she was hamming up the drama and fully enjoying all of the attention she was receiving along with it. She would turn in his arms and lift her hands to his face and ask, “maybe it’s better if I only see you sometimes like this… it’s better than having to think that you could be taken away from me forever…”

165 / 1347
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyMon May 14, 2012 1:05 am

Since she didn't pull away from him when he reaches for her, Yuki took hold of her and held her close to him. As Jyneil begins to speak while he holds her close, Yuki listens to her while holding her close to him. While Jyenil speaks, Yuki remains silent and listens to her as she brings up the topic of trusting him, something the half-breed thought she did though he wasn't completely sure that she did trust him fully. As Jyneil brings up the idea of him falling against her captor, Yuki dwells on the idea for a moment though given him, he knew that he wouldn't fall against her captor. When she begins to turn in his arms, Yuki loosens his grip a bit so she could turn to face him. Gazing down at her as she brings her hands up to his face, Yuki listens as she begins to show doubt in his capabilities as she speaks of not going thorough with dealing with her captor and seeing her from time to time. Listening to Jyneil, Yuki lets out a soft growl in response to what she was saying, sign that he didn't like the idea. With the growl, Yuki's lips draw back enough to show his canine like fangs. Leaning in as he growls, Yuki playfully naps at her neck, " How can you doubt my strength given what you have seen? Perhaps I must remind you of what I am capable of doing. "

EXP: 255
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyMon May 14, 2012 9:57 pm

Her hand comes to his forehead as he comes in for her neck and she pauses him for a moment as his question comes in. She pulls back from him and looks up and into his eyes as she answers, “strength is a relative thing… how can you be so sure that you’re strong enough to take on the unknown?” She pauses and thinks, looking down for a moment as if making up her mind before look back up at Yuki and nods, admitting, “I’ll do it. I’ll believe in your strength and let you save me… but we have to do it on my terms. I’ll make it so that the time is right and tell you everything later… okay?” She seems to want to stress, “Yuki… I’m trusting you with everything…”

133 / 1480
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyMon May 14, 2012 10:43 pm

When she pulls away from him he gazes down into her eyes as she looks up at him and as she speaks he listens to what she has to say. As he listens to Jyenil, Yuki frowns faintly, he indeed didn't know what he would be facing given that he wishes to save her, though he knew in his strength and felt he was capable of taking on anything that may stand in his way. As Jyneil looks away from him, Yuki keeps his gaze on her as she turns hers back to him and nods before speaking. With her confirming that she will do it, the frown that had taken from on the half-breeds face shifts into a soft smile as he listens to her. Though he was now allowed to save her as per her word, she wished to do it on her terms, something the half-breed wasn't sure about but knew he had no choice in the matter. Gazing down at her, Yuki gives a faint nod, " Alright, and I won't let you down. " Yuki says with a smile as he steps forwards and try's to take hold of Jyneil by the waist and lift her from the ground, " Everything huh? "

EXP: 203
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyTue May 15, 2012 10:24 pm

In a spin, Jyneil would step away from Yuki as he seemed to have a ‘grabby’ look in his eye this evening. She liked the attention, but wasn’t about to be that readily available. Thus in pirouetting back around to him, she would inform him, “don’t get too familiar with me. As a village leader, you should be more noble.” Her hands are behind her back as she leans in teasing with a grin on her face before continuing in a softer voice, “I’m going to be spending the night tonight… so I’m going to need a place to sleep. I don’t want to have to go to the Inn because you can’t control yourself…” Moving from that and being a little more serious again, she would ask, “Yuki… can I ask you a question?”

141 / 1621
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyTue May 15, 2012 11:55 pm

A she pulls away from him before he could take hold of her, Yuki holds his ground for a moment as he allows her to pull away from him though a playful sad look takes hold of his visage as he watches her. As she speaks the look upon his face fades as he lets out a soft chuckle as he nods to what she is saying, though he knew he had yet to really attempt to do anything with her aside from hold her. Yuki found it surprising that she was going to spend the night here in his house, though it was something he had hoped for before but never came up given her situation. Before he could respond though she inquires if she can ask a question and Yuki gives a faint nod, " Yes you can and I believe I have been rather honorable in my actions and I can control my actions when needed. " Yuki says with a playful smirk.

EXP: 163
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 16, 2012 11:17 pm

“Oh really?” Jyneil would lift an eyebrow to Yuki in his retort. Now that he had said something interesting, she would take this and have a bit of fun with him. She gives him a teasing glance as she walks around him in a semi circle arc to his right side as she asks him, “so you think you can control your actions pretty well? If that’s the case, why don’t I put that to a test? Maybe we can even have a small wager to go with it? What do you think, Wolf Lord?” Though Yuki seemed to show restraint around her, she was still a young maiden all alone in this wolf’s den.

116 / 1737
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 16, 2012 11:38 pm

As Jyneil speaks, Yuki gives a faint nod to her statement, though for the moment he remains silent while watching her. Once she begins to walk around him, Yuki shifts his gaze to follow her for a moment as she moves to his right. Remaining stationary, Yuki shifts his gaze from her as she speaks once again. Listening to her still, Yuki keeps his gaze set ahead of him as she questions his ability to control his actions once again. It seemed that she wished to test his control in some way, though he wasn't sure how she would go about doing such a thing, all he knew was the prospect of winning something, possibly from her, was enough to get him on board with her little test. Turning to face her, Yuki gazes down at her with a soft grin, " Is that so... We would have to discuss what would be won or lost depending on the outcome of this wager. Seeing as how you brought the idea up, what would you like if you win? " Yuki asks as he looks down at her.

EXP: 192
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyThu May 17, 2012 11:01 pm

“Nah,” Jyneil smiles as she shakes her head scrunching up her nose cutely. “That doesn’t seem fun at all; the prize you get will be a surprise to you.” She does a small twirl as she continues walking around Yuki to reach his rear while making her way around to the other side. She continues, “as for me, I don’t need a prize since it’s a test for you. Just know that if you win, then maybe you can get something.” With a shrug she speaks, “but if you fail, then you don’t get something.” She comes along his other side and leans over peering up at him as she speaks, “if you keep it like that, the game rules seem really simple now don’t they?” By now, she had returned to her position in front of him, and as such, she would take a few steps back and away from him. At this moment, his back would be towards the kitchen, so she would be moving into the interior of the room. After taking about ten feet worth of steps away, she would assure that he was on board, speaking, “so I assume you’re fine with that, ne?” Without waiting for his answer, she would speak, “the rules to this game are very simple. All you have to do is control yourself… now… do you have any rope?” She wouldn’t explain what she needed the rope for, even if asked. She would merely smile cutely.

257 / 1994
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 18, 2012 3:27 am

Though he sought to find out the prize of this game she wished to play, it seemed she was not going to tell him what exactly he would get. While she moves around him, Yuki remains stationary and silent as he listens to her while thinking over what she has to say. As he listens to her explain that there was no prize for her since it is a test for him, Yuki gives a faint nod as he wonders on what he would get for passing this little test of hers. When she peers up at him, Yuki shifts his gaze and glances at her and gives another nod to her question, " They do. " He murmurs lightly while looking down at her as she stands before him. Keeping his gaze fixed on her, Yuki watches as she begins to move backwards into the living room and away from the kitchen. While she moves away from him, Yuki continues to remain stationary only following her with his gaze. When she inquires about him being fine with the idea, Yuki gives a faint nod, already believing that he could pass her little test. When she asks about some rope, Yuki raises an eyebrow as he looks at her, a soft smirk taking form on his visage as he begins to step forwards and move towards her, " I'm afraid I don't have any rope, all I have is some chains. Will that do? " Yuki asks as he looks down at her, coming to a stop about five feet away from her.

EXP: 265
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 18, 2012 9:57 pm

“Chains…” the worlds would linger off of Jyneil’s lips. There was a glint in her eyes that suggested that she wasn’t opposed to Yuki’s idea. She would smirk, “that may actually be better.” With a tilt of her head, she would motion into the interior of the house and inquire, “would you mind being a dear and fetching these ‘chains’ of yours for me?” She didn’t immediately know what he would be using chains for, though Battousai and Jyn would be more inclined to remembering that chains used to be his primary weapon when they had first met. Still with her request, she would wait on him to see if she would get the chains and return to her with it to continue the fun of the game that was about to take place.

144 / 2138[/justify]
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 18, 2012 10:33 pm

After informing Jyneil that he didn't have any rope but rather some chains, Yuki remains silent as he watches her while waiting to see if she would be fine with the chains or if she would want some actual rope, which would require him to go out and fetch her some rope if she wanted some instead. While watching her, the half-breed takes note of the smirk that takes form on her face before she responds, informing him that the chains would be better then the ropes, something that gave him the idea that she wished to tie him up. As she asks him to fetch the chains for her, Yuki gives a faint nod, " Are you planning to tie me up, or do I get to tie you up? Tying you up sounds best to me. " Yuki says with a grin as he makes his way past Jyneil and moves to where he keeps his weapons. Moving past Jyneil, to the other side of the living room where he kept his small assortment of weapons Yuki takes hold of the two chains he had, one being a normal length of chain and the other being a length of chain with blades on each link of chain. With the two chains, Yuki turns back to Jyenil, " Since you don't seem like the type to like pain, I don't think we should use the one with blades on it to tie you up. " Yuki says as he looks at Jyenil, allowing her to pick which of the two chains she wished to use.

EXP: 262
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 20, 2012 11:35 am

It would be slightly amusing that Yuki would even have that train of thought to ask that question considering who he was asking it to. To her, he was so goofy at times it bordered on corny. The question posed by the wolf almost led Jyneil to sarcastically wonder if he had ever met or paid attention to her before. Without justifying his question with a response, she merely watches as he walks past in order to do her bidding. As he moves to the area where his weapons were, Jyneil would walk over to the dinner table and pull one of the wooden chairs from it and led it into the center of the living room and wait for Yuki. With one hand on the back of the chair, she would stand next to it and look towards Yuki as he made his way back to her. “Very amusing,” she would grant Yuki when presented with which chains to bring. Patting, the back of the chair, she would hold out her free hand to him as to request, “both will do” with adding, “come and take a seat.” By this time, her intent should be obvious to him, but it wasn’t like she was trying to hide it. She knew that her actions were suspicious, but this would let her know just how much Yuki trusted her since trust seemed to be a pretty large facet of any serious relationship.

250 / 2388

Last edited by aѕceпxion on Sun May 20, 2012 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 20, 2012 3:02 pm

Shifting his gaze from Jyneil, Yuki glances to the chair she had brought into the living room before lifting his gaze back to her. When she holds out her hand and informs him that both will do, Yuki furrows his brow as he looks at her for a moment, her next command for him to sit in the chair. She indeed wish to tie him in the chair, though the half-breed questioned the idea of being chained up to the chair. She had never done something like this before with him nor was it something the half-breed thought lightly of given he would be left vulnerable and at her mercy. After thinking upon it for a few brief moments Yuki finally utters a soft growl as he steps forwards, moving closer to Jyneil and the chair before places the two chains in Jyneil's free hand. Once he had given her the two chains he keeps his gaze fixed on her, " .. Lets see how this goes. " Yuki says with a soft sigh before he shifts and takes a seat in the chair Jyneil had told him to sit in. Once he had sat down in the chair Yuki gazes ahead of him as he waits for Jyneil to begin tying him up with the chains.

EXP: 218
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 56
Location : California

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 20, 2012 7:37 pm

The chains would lower Jyneil’s hand as expected since they were probably heavier than something her small frame was used to handling with one hand. She holds them with both hands as she turns around to face Yuki who seemed to obediently sit down and wait for her. With a light and amused tone, she would speak, “wow… so you really are going to play in this little game, aren’t you.” She would move around to his front and crouch down, placing one of the chains, the bladed one, on the ground and would then stand up only holding the non bladed chains. “Let me know if they’re too tight,” she would chime as she walks towards him and asks, “hands behind your back please…” If he were to do that, she would slowly wrap the chains about his chest and the back of the chair several times before twisting the chains around his wrists and tying them over in loops as best she could. While doing this, she would speak, “but of course the great wolf Yuki could easily break out of chains and a wooden chair if he really wanted to get free… don’t you think?”

212 / 2600
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Supreme Mystic
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Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 20, 2012 7:53 pm

Listening to Jyneil, Yuki gives a faint nod as she brings up his desire to go along with what she wished to do to him. As she comes around in front of him, Yuki sets his gaze upon her and watches as she crouches down in front of him for a moment. For the time being, Yuki remains silent as he watches Jyneil and as she requests for him to put his hands behind his back, Yuki gives a faint nod as he brings his hands around behind the back of the chair. Once she begins to bind him with the chain he had given her, Yuki shuts his eyes and lets his head slump forwards while she ties him up with the chains. Keeping his eyes closed as Jyneil speaks, Yuki listens to her as she questions his ability to break free from the chains and the chair she has bound him in. As she falls silent Yuki opens his eyes again and glances to Jyneil for a moment while thinking upon her comment about him breaking free. " Indeed I could, though if this is part of your test then doing such a thing would cause me to lose. " Yuki comments before shifting his gaze from her and gazes ahead for a moment as he continues speaking, " Perhaps after I have won then I shall tie you up with these chains, tell me. Do you like the sound of that? " Yuki asks as he glances back to Jyneil once again, a smirk taking from on his visage as he looks at her.

EXP: 265
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 20, 2012 8:01 pm

“Ah,” Jyneil would speak in an impressed manner, “very perceptive of you Yuki…” There would be a giggle hanging on her lips as she would confess, “that would indeed cause you to lose.” Finished with binding his chest and his arms, she would stand up straight and walk back around to his front where the bladed chains were. Crouching at them, she would take them and speak, “and that’s just how simple this game is. All you have to do is not break out of the chair and chains… and you win.” With that, she begins to wrap the chains around his legs, pinning them to the legs of the chair and wrapping the chains between each appendage. She would coil up the chains in the middle and loop them into a tie as well before standing up and dusting off her hands, inspecting her handy work. Taking a moment to think, she would explain, “this game may take… hmm… maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Until I say that you’re free to go, you must remain bound.” In this sense, the bindings were more symbolic than physical in their purpose, but they were done well enough that an average man with average strength would not be able to break free of them. Leveling her gaze with his, she would ask, “so, Wolf King, before I begin, do you understand the rules of the game? No matter what happens, you cannot free yourself.”

263 / 2863
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 20, 2012 8:19 pm

As she speaks, Yuki listens as she confirms what he had said and figured, breaking free would probably cause him to lose though he wasn't sure what else would cause him to lose but the half-breed figured he would find out soon enough. Shifting his gaze Yuki watches Jyneil as she comes around in front of him and picks the bladed chain up before she continues to speak, explaining the only true rule of the game was not to break free and he will win this little test. While she binds his legs Yuki keeps his gaze fixed on her and while he watches her he wonders what all is going to happen while he is bound and how long he will have to remain bound for. As Jyneil stands after finishing binding his legs Yuki looks up at her and listens as she informs him of how long the game will take, which didn't seem like it would take to long. Though he was bound with chain to a chair, Yuki knew that he if truly desired or needed he could break free from his bonds though since he wished to show Jyneil that he had control he decided to remain bound unless something came up. As she calls him wolf king a smile takes form on his face as he looks at her as she makes sure he understood the rules. Looking up at her, Yuki gives a faint nod, " I can't completely guarantee that, though I'm sure you understand that if something urgent needs my attention in the village and all that, though aside from that I will remain in this seat. " Yuki says with a faint nod as he looks up at Jyneil.

EXP: 296
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyMon May 21, 2012 10:00 pm

“Hmm…” Jyneil hums lightly with Yuki’s words. She frowns as if not satisfied with having an ultimatum but allows, “fine, then the one exception to the rule will be if the village is burning down. Otherwise, you have an army and village attendants to handle everything else.” After all, a true leader delegated tasks, as Yuki should have done by now. Either way, she would cease the conversation after alluding, “now the game begins…” Taking a few steps away from Yuki, she would stand about five feet in front of him and give him an impish grin, lowering her head down. Her hand lifts up and she brushes her hair back tossing it as her gaze lifts and her hands come up to her shoulders. She looks to the side at the sleeves that held her white dress before slowly sliding them to the side before looking to Yuki. Now, it was time for minutes to start feeling like hours. She would slowly push the top of her dress beyond her shoulders and down her arm and chest, covering her bra covered chest with her arms. She would hold it there, looking at Yuki for a moment with a seductive glare before her garments slip free of her small fingers and her arms are left crossed over her chest as her dress falls into a puddle on the floor revealing a slender and toned body. Her right leg would be partially crossed over her left leg, but her white laced panties are visible. A white laced garter would be on her right thigh, but aside from that, she would only have on matching silk socks and her white hair cascading down her shoulders and back with her hair dressings still in place.

318 / 3181
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Supreme Mystic
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Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyMon May 21, 2012 10:21 pm

Gazing up at Jyneil as he remains silent, Yuki waits to see what her response would be to his one acceptation to the rules she had set forth for her game. As she begins to speak a answer and informs him that he can should the village be burning down, Yuki nods his head faintly to her answer. With that one acceptation settled the half-breed figured it was time for whatever Jyneil had been planning to start and as she speaks Yuki offers the female he had taken a liking to a soft smile, " Alright. " he says as he watches her take a few steps back to put some space between them. Falling into silence once again Yuki keeps his gaze set upon Jyneil. As he watches Jyneil Yuki draws in a deep breath and holds it for a moment before exhaling. As he watched Jyneil begin to remove her dress Yuki knew that such a thing was his weakness, the calling of a naked female and especially one he had taken a liking too like Jyneil, and it seemed it where these factors that she was going to take advantage of and test him with. As he dress falls Yuki shifts his gaze, following the dress as it falls from her form and once it had come to rest upon the ground at her feet he lifts his gaze from it and scans her form, one that he had not seen like this since the first time he had seen her, though now he was able to get a better look at her. SHifting his gaze, Yuki's eyes follow her legs and stop at her waist for a moment before raising to her crossed arms then finally lifting so he could look at her face. Given his attraction towards her, the half-breed made no attempt to hide the desire he held for her.

EXP: 321
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyTue May 22, 2012 8:26 pm

His gaze on her was stronger than she had expected it to be. With him looking at her so directly and intensely, it causes a shy blush to form on her cheeks as it’s evident that she has to muster internal strength to continue on. Though she was in control of what was going on right now, she didn’t think that it would be this embarrassing. Still, she holds her confidence as she gives him a sly smirk and lifts up on her toes as she turns around and then lowers back flat footed, giving her back to him with her face to the side, partially looking back at him over her shoulder. Her panties would only cover a small portion of her lithe rear; her flawless pale smooth skin would uniformly flow into the pure white smooth silk under garments which would match the hair that falls freely down her back towards the middle portion of the small of her back. Her hands would reach behind her back, hidden by her hair as they come to unclasp the hooks of her bra. With a soft snapping noise, the clip would come undone, and the straps of the bra would slacken, losing the tension that kept them bound to her body. As her arms return to her front, the bra is pulled free of her body and held in her right hand. Her left hand and arm would be covering her chest as she would hold the bra hovering in the air with her right before releasing it and allowing it to fall to the ground to join her dress. Turning, she would lower her right hand down to her side where it would rest next to her hip, keeping her left arm horizontally positioned over her chest causing her breast to appear squeezed with the good parts covered. Slowly, she would walk towards him, stopping about a foot away from his chair.

340 / 3521
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyTue May 22, 2012 8:49 pm

Keeping his gaze fixed on Jyneil, Yuki watches her reaction to his gaze now that she had begun to strip in front of him. Seeing the blush on her cheeks cause a light smile to take form on his visage as he watches her. Already signs of his physical desire for her body begin to become apparent while he watches her as he starts to grow aroused. As she raises up on her toes and turns around Yuki is able to get a look at her back and the other side of her form. Again the half-breed shifts his gaze, lowering it from the back of her head and down along her hair that leads him further down her back to her pantie covered rear. Catching the motion from her arms, Yuki raises his gaze from her rear and watches as she reaches behind her back and begins to remove her bra. As she pulls the bra free Yuki shifts his gaze and watches as she holds it out with her right hand and releases it, allowing it to fall to the floor with her dress. Once she begun to turn around to face him the half-breed silently hoped that she would not have her breasts covered since he desired to see them as well, however as she turns he finds that her breasts are indeed covered by her left arm which was a bit of a let down but it wasn't no where near enough to alter his mood. Now that she had turned to face him Yuki's gaze remains with her left arm for a moment though he looks beyond her left arm at what of her breast he could see. Once she begins to move towards him Yuki lifts his gaze to look to her face once again. Raising his gaze to meet hers the smile upon the half-breeds visage begins to grow as his lips draw back to reveal his canines. Gazing up at Jyneil, Yuki knew that with how she is testing him he wasn't sure if he could hold out until the end of the test given his desire for what she was showing right now.

EXP: 362
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Supreme Mystic
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Rep! : 56
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 23, 2012 9:21 pm

Since he would be in a pretty much seated position, Jyneil would lean over him, her hair cascading down her slender shoulders to hang down as her upper shifts horizontally. She offers him a soft smile before looking down at her chest. Her breasts were plump and soft, shifting in buoyancy whenever her left arm shifted even in the slightest. Her other hand would come up and rise to her right breast as the other would slide to the left and she would cover her nipples with her index, middle and forefingers, obviously teasing him but allowing him to see the full shape of her shapely mounds. For her overall size, they would be large in comparison. She would lift back up and turn her rear to him once more before leaning back and lowering her hind quarters to his lap. Feeling that he was aroused, she would hesitate for a moment before letting her soft skin and laced panties press and rub against the clothing over his immediate crotch area. Sitting on him completely, she would lean back fully with her back to him, and lift her arms from her breast, over her head and drape them about Yuki’s neck as she rested the back of her head on his left collarbone.

234 / 3755
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyWed May 23, 2012 10:15 pm

As she leans down over him, Yuki keeps his gaze fixed on her face for a moment and as she offers him the smile, he offers up a playful growl as he looks up at her. With her leaned over Yuki shifts his gaze to her breasts once again, now able to get a better view of them since she has leaned over. Keeping his gaze fixed on her breasts Yuki watches as she shifts her hands to just cover her nipples and allowing him to see more of her breasts. Once she begins to pull away Yuki lightly tugs at the chains keeping him bound though he makes no real attempt to break free despite his overwhelming desire to do so given what stands before him. Once she raises up and turns around once again Yuki lowers his gaze down her back once again to her rear for a brief moment before she begins to lower herself down into his lap. Since he had begun to grow aroused already, Yuki watches Jyenil's reaction to his arousal as she lowers herself into his lap and her rear makes contact with his aroused area. At first as she hesitates Yuki wonders if she was going to stop however he sees that she is willing to continue as she begins to press and rub against his crotch, something that only causes him to grow even more stimulated by the situation. As she comes to sit in his lap Yuki wanted to bring his arms up and take hold of her, however he also wished to win her little test and show her that he could have control if it was needed. When she brings her head to rest on his collarbone Yuki leans his head in closer to hers to lightly rest his head against hers.

EXP: 311
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Supreme Mystic
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Rep! : 56
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyThu May 24, 2012 9:53 pm

Her body would wiggle and squirm on top of his aroused area as she wouldn’t hold back from putting the pressure of her soft body against him. She was surprised that he had been able to hold out this long, even though only about five minutes or so had actually passed. Her cheeks are red with the nature of her actions, but there was a part of her that wanted to win this competition as well, or at least force Yuki to lose. Of course, at this time, she also thinks about the fact that if he lost, it would be very hard for her to attempt to get away. He was already this riled up, and she was currently playing with fire. Already she had pretty much damned herself to harassment if she were to stay in the house over night. Her right hand shifts from around his neck and lowers the span of his body and then comes to his lap where her hand takes hold of his manhood through the fabric of his pants. On touching it, her eyes widen, though her face would be hidden from him at the moment. She hadn’t done anything like this before, so she didn’t know if she were ready for the consequences. Her confidence breaks as she doesn’t know if she would be able to finish. Had she not been assaulted by this time, then the her left hand would come to cover her chest and she would lift up an d off of his lap, her hand trailing from his caged member as she keeps her back to him and attempts to step away a few feet gasping, “I… I can’t do this… it’s too much…”

292 / 4047
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyThu May 24, 2012 10:52 pm

Once she begins to wiggle and squirm in his lap the half-breed grows even more aroused from the stimulation of her actions while sitting in his lap. Though she wiggled in his lap Yuki still held out and maintained control of his actions though he knew that he may not be able to remain in control should she continue with her what she is doing despite his desire to win her test. As she moves her right hand Yuki glances to it and watches as she lowers it down his body and brings it to rest on his lap where she takes hold of his manhood through his pants. Once her hand came to rest upon his lap and grasp his manhood Yuki felt what was left of his control over his actions melt away at the stimulation of her grasping his manhood. As his will to control his actions begins to crumble and give way to his desire she begins to raise up of his lap, something he didn't wish for her to do. With her raising from his lap, the half-breed lets out a soft growl as he looks up at her as she stands with her back to him. Gazing up at her, the half-breed begins to tug at the chains binding him, putting all his strength into breaking the chains and once they had snapped and allowed his freedom, the half-breed would raise from the chair and move to close the gap between them and attempt to take hold of her from behind and pull her close to him. Should he get a hold of her he would try and keep a firm grip of her so she couldn't escape though he wouldn't attempt to hurt her with his strength.

EXP: 299
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 25, 2012 10:04 pm

As she heard the sound of the chains, she would turn much like a deer in headlights with tears at the edge of her eyes giving a surprised expression as Yuki bursting free from the chains. He moves before she has time to take in the situation and react and in doing so, she finds herself bound in his arms. His arms would pin her own across her chest ass he would wince slightly from being held so suddenly. “Stop it…” she complains in a soft tone, “you’re too rough, you’ll hurt me…” She was referring to his strength, but there was no guarantee at this moment that advanced through functions was going through Yuki’s mind. She would, however, attempt to pull free of him, but her strength would be less than that of a normal human, so it would be more of a futile symbolic gesture than something that would actually grant her any fruits of freedom.

171 / 4218
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptyFri May 25, 2012 10:33 pm

Though she had turned to face him at the last moment Yuki took hold of her and held her close to him. Holding her close Yuki gazes down at her and as she speaks he listens to her as she tells him to stop, though at the moment he doesn't let up on his grip of her nor does he tighten his grip while holding her. When she begins to attempt to pull free from him Yuki lets out another growl as he looks down at her. As he gazes down at her, Yuki loosens his grip on her a bit though as he loosens his grip he lifts her from the ground. With her raises from the ground so she couldn't attempt to stop him, Yuki begins to move and starts to head towards his bedroom while carrying her. As he moves towards his room with her, Yuki keeps his gaze fixed on her, his gaze shifting to meet hers. Entering into his bedroom, Yuki carries Jyneil over to the foot of his bed before he finally begins to release his hold upon Jyneil and allow her free from his grasp and onto his bed unless she stands on her own.

EXP: 200
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Supreme Mystic
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Rep! : 56
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySat May 26, 2012 12:04 pm

She hadn’t turned fully around, so her back would be pressed against Yuki’s chest when he came to hold onto her, his arms on the outside of her own as he would be holding onto her. Soon after that, she finds herself scooped up emitting a small and surprised squeak as she is hoisted up in his arms after attempting to protest his force. During this, she found herself becoming that much more scared that he had not responded to her words at all; it was like he was operating off of autopilot. She would attempt to free herself from his grasp while being walked to the bedroom, but would find that her efforts seemed to be in vain. Another squeak is emitted as Jyneil finds herself deposited onto the bed where her arms drop in order to support her body, revealing her chest, before her right arm lifts up to cover herself and her left arm props her upper body up on the bed. Looking down and to the side, Yuki was too scary right now to look at; she knew if he got like this then it would be bad, that that thought alone may have been a large factor in her current deposition. Speaking softly, she way say, “Yuki, please stop… if you go any further, something bad is bound to happen…” Realizing that she was sounding weak at the moment, she corrects herself attempting her more prissy tone in a shaky manner ordering, “kn-know your place… you’re getting ahead of yourself, aren’t you?”

279 / 4497
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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySat May 26, 2012 12:21 pm

After dropping her onto his bed, Yuki looks down at her and for a moment catches a glimpse of her breasts before she covers them again and uses one arm to prop herself up on his bed. As he looks down at her Yuki watches as she casts her gaze aside instead of looking up at him, showing him that she was afraid of him right now. When she begins to speak Yuki listens as she speaks with a soft tone, though she didn't speak as she had before instead asking him to stop and the consequence's of his actions. For a moment he simply looked down at her, thinking over her words though as she continues to speak, telling him to know his place, the half-breed lets out another growl as he brings a hand up from his side and try's to push her back down onto the bed. Should she give way to his action Yuki would move forwards and lean over top of her, one hand coming down to rest upon the bed to support him and the other remaining a hold of her as he gazes down at her, " My place? " Yuki asks as he leans closer to her, lightly pressing his body into hers as he nips at her neck, though he makes sure not to break the skin and injure her.

EXP: 227
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySat May 26, 2012 1:43 pm

Control was lost in the situation and Jyneil didn’t think that she would be able to handle Yuki. Aside from that, she was feeling things that she wasn’t yet comfortable with. On the inside she was scared, confused and helpless, something that didn’t sit well with someone of her persona. She wondered if her words had gotten to him, but soon finds that she is pushed back onto the bed with a short “ah” leaving her lungs. She winces for a moment before opening her eyes and looking up as Yuki leans over her and looks down at her. “Y-yes…” she would speak, but he would lower onto her neck causing her discomfort and something else at the same time. Her thighs squeeze together as she places her hand on Yuki’s chest or shoulders and attempts to push him back. “I said I don’t want this… what do you think will happen if you do this to me?” Grasping at straws, she would exclaim, “are you no better than my captor?”

185 / 4682
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySat May 26, 2012 4:18 pm

As she begins to push against him and try to push him back, the half-breed lets out another growl in response to Jyneil's attempt to push him back though he doesn't give way to her attempts to push him back. Yuki held his ground and listened while she spoke, though at first her words did little to him, that is until she makes mention of him being no better then her captor. The comment caused the half-breed to pause for a moment before he begins to raise up and put some space between them, though he does not release her from her spot on the bed. Raising up from her, Yuki gazes down at her, his gaze shifting across her face for a moment before it shifts to meet her gaze. " Jyneil.. " Yuki murmurs lightly as he looks down at her, loosening his grasp upon her he shifts his hand and brings it to her cheek and softly caresses' her cheek as he gazes down at her.

EXP: 174
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 27, 2012 6:55 pm

To her surprise, it seemed as if something had actually gotten through to Yuki. She winces a little, when he moves, but discovers that it was to lift off of her and give her a little bit of space. She shifts her cheek from the bed and look up to Yuki as he looks down to her. When he lifts his hand to her cheek, she would flitch, as if believing that he might hit her or something and symbolizing the fact that she didn’t really trust him right now. In a brief amount of time, she had seen a very scary side of Yuki and she needed some time to collect her thoughts and some type of validation that Yuki wouldn’t continue to hurt her. A pretty delicate form, there would be noticeable red marks where she had been held down, even if Yuki hadn’t been trying to hurt her. In this form, she was weaker than a normal human, so she had to pay extra care for her body. “If you understand…” she would say as she turns her face to the side, wanting to cover herself from him being able to see, but not being able to fully, “then please get off of me... I would like to put my clothes on now…” Her voice would attempt a tough tone to it, but an undertone of sadness and fear could be heard as undertones within its pitch. She didn’t know if he was out of the woods yet, but she hoped that this façade was over. It was all up to Yuki and the decisions he decided to make.

275 / 4957
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Supreme Mystic
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 27, 2012 7:11 pm

As she flinches when he brings his hand up to her cheek, Yuki lets out a soft sigh as he looks down at her. Gazing down at her as she spoke, Yuki listened to her as she speaks of him getting off of her so she could get dressed once again. Listening to her speak, Yuki could hear the fear and sadness in her voice despite the fact that she was attempting to sound tough with her words. Gazing down at her, Yuki sees how he has probably damaged what relationship and trust they had built together with his actions, though he had wished to control himself he had failed in such a task and wished to have his way with her. After a few brief moments of gazing down at her and remaining silent, Yuki finally begins to move once again raising up so he stood at the foot of the bed he offers her a hand to help her up if she wished for the help. " I am sorry Jyneil. " Yuki says as he looks at her.

EXP: 178
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Supreme Mystic
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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 27, 2012 7:39 pm

She watches as Yuki gets off of her and allows her to move once again. She leans up and rubs her wrist; coving her chest seemed to be pointless at this point since he had her pinned down long enough to have a good look, but still, she lifts and holds an arm over her chest unconsciously. She eyes him suspiciously as she looks at the hand that’s offered to her. It takes a moment of inward reflection and her calming herself down by taking a deep breath, but she collects herself and allows her confidence in him builds a little more. She clears her throat and then speaks, still not motioning to get up, “…you’re lucky I like you.” Her voice trails off a bit, but is a bit stronger than before. She declares, “…I’ll… I’ll forgive you… this time…” Instead of moving towards him, she moves away further into the bed and speaks, “…but only if you hold me until I go to sleep.” She would be making no gestures to go to put her clothing on; it seemed like him apologizing smoothed things over enough for her to not become angry after shifting from fear and sadness. She knew that a part of her was to blame for provoking Yuki, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself. With that, she would make herself comfortable in Yuki’s bed and turn her back to him, allowing him to do as he pleased.

260 / 5217
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Rep! : 10

Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 27, 2012 7:54 pm

Keeping his hand held out, Yuki waits for her to take it and since she had yet he begins to figure that perhaps she was not going to trust in him so easily any more and perhaps not wish to see him any more either. As he looks down at her he remains silent and once she begins to speak he listens to her as she comments that she likes him, something that makes the half-breed feel a little better inside knowing that she still liked him. As she continues to speak, forgiving him of his deeds the half-breed's relief grows as she forgives him. Though he thought she wished to put her cloths back no, now that he had given her room to move she made no attempt to leave the room to get her cloths, instead she moves further up the bed and comments about holding her until she goes to sleep, something that surprised the half-breed given what had just happened between them. Still in silence, Yuki looks at Jyenil now that she had turned her back to him after moving further into his bed, he couldn't believe that she had forgiven his actions, but not only had she forgiven him she now wished for him to hold her until she fell asleep. Finally Yuki shifts his gaze from her, " Alright. " He murmurs lightly with a soft smile as he takes a moment to unfasten his pants and lets them fall to the ground before he moves into the bed. " I will hold you as long as you wish Jyneil. " Yuki says as he try's to move up into the bed behind Jyneil and take hold of her once again.

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Supreme Mystic
Supreme Mystic

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Dropping in Unexpected (B) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dropping in Unexpected (B)   Dropping in Unexpected (B) EmptySun May 27, 2012 8:28 pm

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