Jack had emerged from the caverns. Jonah was nowhere to be seen and he had a strange cast fused to his arm. One made of stone, presumably this cast contained the fresh augmented limb that the blood mage had crafted on. It would require some time for incubation it would seem. So that was one of the secrets. As tempting as it was Jack had to resist tearing off the cast and checking out jus how the work had been done in the first place. His trip was after all two fold. To obtain the arm, but also to help him learn the secrets of transplantation. Once he had access to his own arm again he could begin those experiments to uncover the secrets behind that blood mages art. However if sleep was an important part of the process, then he was going to be in trouble. He needed to find someway to both do it, and get the surgery on himself in order to implant the augmented dragons heart into his chest.
Jack clambered out and forwards into the bloody barren terrain of Barathrum Regnum. Wondering just where he was in this place, Jack had after all brought Jonah along because he wasn’t all that great at directional tracking. He really needed to start learning where he was going. But he knew certain standing points at least on the way back to Terra, so he would try to find his way back onto that road in an attempt to find his way back to the Seat of Pride.