He was once again at the docks. The fight that had started brought about the rare interference of the guard, who had carted off most of the drunken sailors who had participated in the bar brawl. Katsui had managed too slip away in the initial confusion not wanting to get involved with the mess. He had laid low the following days merely doing his assigned work load, but the salt sea smell of the docks had once again lured him back, which was why he stood on one of the piers that jutted out into the harbor of Mare Maris. Katsui would hold his staff lightly in his hand, while overlooking the water. He scratched his chin. "Should go get some time off too visit my mother, see how she is doing after all of these years." He muttered too himself; though, he certainly dreaded that thought. He rubbed the staff in errant thought before turning around. It was time to get back to work, and that included conducting inspections with the harbor master to provide the muscle for this enterprise. It was mostly going to be boring for him, but it was something he had to do.